Just in case anyone out there still reads this.... I haven't died in the past month. I've just fallen off the face of the internet.
I know that this happens to a lot of blawgers, especially in the first summer. I remember being frustrated by a lack of posts last summer when I was preparing for 1L by reading every law student blog I could find.
I could say that I haven't had anything to write about, but that's not true. It's more that I've been working through some things that I haven't yet been ready to share. I could be writing about my summer job, but I already have to do "reflective journals" which are a lot less fun than blogging, but also sort of destroy my desire to reflect. Plus, using blogging as a way to put off homework is fairly enjoyable, but using it as a way to put off fun summer stuff? Not as enticing. Sorry internets.
The past month has been a full one, and a lot of things have happened that warrant their own posts entirely. Here is a brief list though of stuff I've failed to blog about:
1. Living with animals who are at war with each other = not my idea of a good time.
2. I'm moving in 2 weeks. This was entirely unexpected, and until about 4 days ago, unplanned.
3. My garden is awesome enough that sometimes I wish I owned a greenhouse instead of going to law school.
4. I got my grades.
5. I did not try for law review.
6. My summer job has helped me make a major decision about what I want to do in my legal career, which is sort of awesome.
7. I lined up a fairly cool job for the fall, with people I like, and I sort of just fell into it without trying. Score!
8. I do not miss being around law students. Related: I like my classmates a lot more now that we are not in class. Most of them, at least.
9. Despite #8, there has still been a little bit of social weirdness. I would not be surprised if this became a bit of an issue in the next month or so.
I'm going to try to be a better blogger. I pwomise. Also, to my peers who have moved their blogs, I will get around to updating my blogroll with your new addresses. Sheesh I'm such a lazy internet citizen. Please be patient with me.
6 years ago