Tuesday, January 26, 2010

law student version of sending my child to war

Dear Apple Technician,

Please, please please take good care of my baby. She is in a very vulnerable state at the moment, what with the combination of not working correctly and me oscillating between screaming and crying jags every time she does not work correctly. She is my trusty and loyal sidekick, my partner in crime, the love of my (law school) life. Be kind. Treat her well. I've put her through a lot of trials and tribulations over the last year and a half, and I'd like to see her make it at least until I graduate and find a job. Send her back to me new and improved as fast as you can.

Also? Though I am in the midst of a massive pre-send-off backup of my data, please PLEASE for the love of all that is holy try not to delete any of my shit. I am a law student, not a tech guru, and I make no claims of actually knowing what I am doing when it comes to backing up my documents, music and pictures. And all those other random but essential files that live in non-obvious places. In other words, please send my baby back intact, aside from the broken parts.




Tree Hugging Attorney said...

i broke my power cord and had an epic meltdown. the geek squad guy gave me a look that just screamed "incompetent!" to me and i proceeded to hoof it an hour to the certified apple store instead. and i definitely sent some prayer in its direction. which sounds shameful, in a way. but it's law school. worry is warranted.

Jansen said...

I thought macs didn't break!